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About David


From birth David had a complicated early life, moving home and school many times.  In 1965 he joined the British Army and trained to be a mechanic, repairing everything from bicycles to battle tanks. During his Army career he travelled to many places around the world exploring many different cultures and religions, After he left the Army in 1987 he began to take an interest and study Tarot  and he soon found it was a very natural progression from that which had already been discovered on his own spiritual journey. He has since found that although he still uses elements of the Tarot, Numerology and Astrology his readings have now become an intuitive process allowing him to channel information directly from the source.


From 1997 he was guided to travel overseas sharing his insights to all that needed them. His first port of call was in May 1997 to Singapore, in fact he had been guided to go there since the age of 8 years old. Through a process of synchronicity, intuition, and generally following the flow of life he has now travelled and worked in Hong Kong, Cyprus, Shanghai, Malaysia,  Dubai, Taiwan and all over Japan giving personal consultations and conducting Spiritual Development Workshops including Tarot , Numerology and Beyond Illusions. He is now able to offer those workshops  online to all those that wish to develop spiritually.


David still travels extensively overseas,  however no matter where in the world he is, he is still able to give readings online and also conduct workshops as well

A little insight into David's Journey

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